Eagle Talon Enterprises, L.L.C.
Cattle Pregnancy testing, BVD-PI testing and Johne's testing.
Reliable, accurate and quick results.
Results reported within 24 hours of sample submission.
Pregnancy, BVD-PI, Johne's testing for all classes of livestock.
Home      Bovine Viral Diarhea Virus (BVD)
Bovine Viral Disease Virus (BVDV or BVD) affects all species of ruminants(Cattle,llamas, alpacas, sheep, goats, deer, elk, etc.). It is also known as Border Disease or Hairy-Shaker lamb syndrome in sheep and goats. In all species, the virus' main threat to a herd is it's effect on reproduction and viability of offspring by causingabortion or ill offspring that are unthriftydue to a weakend immune system lending them susceptable to other diseases resulting in death before 1 year of age.
Not all infected offspring, however, are noticiably infected or sick, they are born as carriers and the biggest threat to herds in spreading the virus. If a dam/cow is infected early in gestation and does not abort, the virusinvades the fetusand because the fetus is developing it's immune system,the virusbecomes recognized as partof the fetus(immune tolerant).Once born the offspringisa permanently infected or PI animal that sheds huge concentrations of virus in all body secretions (feces, uring, saliva, nasal discharge, tears, etc.) It is these offspring thatare a threat to the herd, or other herdswhen sold or bought and brought to a non-infected herd.
BVD-PI infected animals should be identified and culled for slaughter. To keepBVD from entering your farm or ranch animals that are brought in should be tested before exposing to the herd or bought from a producer that has tested the animal as negative.
Testing of BVD and having a herd BVD free increases profitability by reducing fetal losses and adds value to sale animals.
Each species has minimum age requirements for testing to detect PI animals. Please seeour BVD Info page for links to other sites for additional information specific to species.
Eagle Talon is proud to offer the IDEXX Herdcheck ELISAtest, the only USDA certified test for the detection BVD virus.Testing can be run on either ear notch or serum for all ruminant species.
Producer links for additinal industry information:
Wyoming Stock Growers Association
Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation
Montana Stock Growers Association
Industry News:
LLamas and Alpacas: